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Read more about exercise and Parkinson's disease

A new study from researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) shows that treadmill exercises may benefit patients with Parkinson's Disease and those with similar movement disorders.

Growing evidence suggests that exercise -- whether it's sweating on a treadmill or on a dance floor -- can help Parkinson's patients move better and may even slow the inevitable march of this degenerative brain disease.

Read all about it in www.pdf.org News

Evidence suggests that regular exercise can improve some Parkinson's symptoms and enhance quality of life.   (read the article)

Exercise & Parkinson's David Engle, president of an exercise consulting firm for physicians with focus on chronic diseases.

Brain doctors study sleep and exercise

Exercise May Lower Risk For Parkinson's Disease
Science Daily -- The risk of developing Parkinson's disease may be reduced with moderate to vigorous exercise or other recreational activities, according to recent research presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 59th Annual Meeting in Boston, April 28 -- May 5, 2007.

In order to meet the individual needs of the movement disorder population, a variety of activities are offered through the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center (Phoenix, Arizona). These activities have been specifically adapted for people with movement disorders and are taught by professionals who have significant knowledge and experience in this area.

Get moving!

Be Active! A Suggested Exercise Program for People with Parkinson’s Disease. Order the illustrated booklet from the American Parkinson Disease Association at no charge.

The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and the Parkinson Foundation of the Heartland co-produced an award-winning program of 24 seated exercises addressing typical Parkinson's movement challenges. Motivating Moves for People with Parkinson's can be ordered on DVD or videotape for $14.95, plus shipping and handling by calling (800) 457-6676 or visiting http://www.pdf.org/Publications/motivating_moves.cfm


Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Counts, by Heather Cianci, PT, MS, GC,  Specific exercises to maintain flexibility, strength, and aerobic conditioning. Photographs and drawings of exercises throughout. Tips for posture and balance. Free from the National Parkinson Foundation NPF website.

Delay the Disease - Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease (70 pp, $19.95) by David Zid, a certified trainer, and orthopedic surgeon and PWP Thomas H. Mallory, M.D. Outlines a daily and weekly exercise agenda for every patient at any stage of the disease. Purchase online along with a companion DVD at www.delaythedisease.com.


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