About the Ackmi Clinic Team
The Ackmi Clinic Team is a diverse group of scientific professionals using the latest in medical technology to develop and produce the medicine of the future. Associated with an international company and a major Amercian university, we offer a stimulating work environment, a competitive compensation package, and full medical benefits. Now we are looking for a handful of unique individualss to work with our select team in our clinic. We hope you will join our select team as we move to the future with exciting medical technology.
As a special and valued team member you will:
- be expected to donate 30+ days of your time over a three year period
- undergo experimental brain surgery with the risk of stroke, hemorrhage' and more
- undergo many medical tests including: brain scans, lumbar procedures, whole body exams, psychological exams, and countless vials of blood
- not be reimbursed for all of your expenses
- be expected to make your own travel arrangements to come to Ackmi Clinic
- receive no compensation
- receive no catastrophic long term care if so injured
Contact us today if you are interested in becoming a valued member of our team! The Ackmi Clinic Team can't proceed without you!


Obviously I wrote the preceding paragraphs tongue in cheek, but it is not so very different from cinical trials I have known.
Does it give you a different perspective about clinical trial participation?
Maybe it's time to step back and have everyone in the PD clinical trial world take a long hard look at how human participants are treated. I can think of some changes that would make human clinical trial participants feel like more valued members of "the team." Can you?
